Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Deno Cole is the best choice to represent your personal injury claim

Knoxville Personal Injury Attorney Deno Cole
Deno Cole protects your interests.

Knoxville Personal Injury (PI) Attorney Deno Cole’s number one goal is to successfully represent a person seriously injured in an accident caused by another's negligence. His passion for pursuing just compensation has earned Deno Cole the reputation of a top PI attorney in Knoxville.

Motor vehicle crashes are one of the number one causes of death in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 2.3 million adults were treated in emergency rooms as a result of motor vehicle-related injuries in 2009.

Although no amount of money can replace a lost loved one or give you back 100 percent range of motion after a serious injury, the aim of Knoxville PI Attorney Deno Cole is to help you and your family members receive fair and just financial compensation. 

Successful Personal Injury Lawsuits

As a successful PI Attorney in Knoxville, Deno Cole knows what it takes to represent you with your personal injury lawsuit. Furthermore, Deno Cole recognizes the tactics deployed by many insurance companies following an accident, including:
  • Sending out an early response team to gather as much evidence as possible to potentially use against you at a later date
  • Contacting you as soon as possible after the accident to obtain a recorded statement to also potentially use against you at a later date
  • Offering you a quick settlement – usually the same day as the accident – while you are still in shock and discombobulated
For you, hiring the best PI attorney in Knoxville is the most important step you can take. The SIMPLE truth is people who do not retain a PI attorney invariably receive smaller settlement offers and ultimately recover significantly less money for their injuries than if they had retained an aggressive experienced PI attorney. In Knoxville, hiring Deno Cole is the one best decision you can make to represent your best interests following an auto accident.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about my personal injury practice in Knoxville, Tennessee. Remember, I am here for you to bring peace of mind and protect your best interest.
Deno Cole
Personal Injury Attorney in Knoxville

Blue Dress Internet Marketing Company

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Personal Injury Attorney Knoxville Deno Cole Knows Backpack Hazards

Deno Cole Personal Injury Attorney in Knoxville
Top Personal Injury Attorney in Knoxville Deno Cole knows the perils of backpacks.
Top Personal Injury Attorney in Knoxville Deno Cole knows back to school means back to the books. And that means transporting books and other items to and from school on a regular basis. While any personal injury attorney in Knoxville may understand backpacks are the preferred method of transport for most students, Deno Cole understands the personal injuries many kids suffer because of heavy backpacks.

Deno Cole realizes the hazards of heavy backpacks. A recent study conducted by the American Physical Therapy Association found 55 percent of children carried backpack loads heavier than 15 percent of their body weight. For Personal Injury Attorney Knoxville Deno Cole, these results are disturbing.

For years, groups have studied and presented evidence of personal injuries to children resulting from heavy backpacks. A study conducted by the Consumer Product Safety Commission in 1998 issued a warning concerning backpack injuries. An estimated 3,300 children ages 5 to 14 were treated in emergency rooms the previous year due to personal injuries related to backpacks.

While it may seem shocking, keep in mind children as young as five risk suffering personal injuries due to heavy backpacks. The American Chiropractic Association offers recommendations for safe student to backpack weight ratio:
  • 50 pounds: 2.5 to 5 pounds
  • 80 pounds: 4 to 8 pounds
  • 100 pounds: 5 to 10 pounds
  • 130 pounds: 6.5 to 13 pounds
  • 150 pounds: 7.5 to 15 pounds
Personal Injury Attorney Knoxville Deno Cole recommends parents work with schools to find solutions such as utilizing e-readers to access textbook materials. Students also should consider using backpacks with wheels.

If you feel your child has suffered a personal injury due to a manufacturer’s defect or neglect, Personal Injury Attorney Knoxville Deno Cole can assist with your claim. Deno Cole always puts his clients first and is dedicated to achieving the best outcome. No issue is too big or too small for this Personal Injury Attorney Knoxville. With Personal Injury Attorney Knoxville Deno Cole on your side, you will come out on top.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about my personal injury practice in Knoxville, Tennessee. Remember, I am here for you to bring peace of mind and protect your best interest.
Deno Cole
Personal Injury Attorney in Knoxville

Blue Dress Internet Marketing Company

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Knoxville Personal Injury Attorney Deno Cole protects your best interests

Deno Cole will look out for your best interests.
Deno Cole knows driving an automobile is a necessity for most people and not simply a lifestyle choice. Unfortunately, with driving comes risks. And when you are involved in an auto accident resulting in personal injuries, you can count on the experts at the McGehee and Cole Law Firm to look out for your best interests.

Auto Accidents, Personal Injuries, and Insurance Adjusters

An estimated 34,000 people died in motor vehicle traffic accidents in 2012. These numbers exclude people injured in motor vehicle accidents.

Needless to say, an auto insurance adjuster has a tough job. An auto insurance adjuster’s job is to save the insurance company as much money as possible. Your health, well-being, property, and financial loss is not a priority. Within 24-48 hours following an auto accident, an insurance adjuster will be on the phone with you offering a paltry quick cash settlement in return for your signature on a document releasing them of liability.

The reality is, within one to two days following an accident, the extent of your injuries may still not be known. The most common types of auto accident injuries include: 
  • Brain and Head Injuries – In many cases, there may be no physical sign of injury, such as cuts or bleeding, but the brain risks being jostled inside the skull during the impact of a collision. 
  • Neck Injuries – Whiplash and neck strain are the most common types of neck injuries. A more serious injury such as cervical radiculopathy and disc injury is common as well. 
  • Back Injuries– Sprains, strains, fractures, disc injury, and lumbar radiculopathy are known to result from an auto accident. It often takes more than 48 hours for these symptoms to occur and, unfortunately, can result in a lifetime of pain. 
  • Psychological Injuries – Often overlooked are the psychological injuries resulting from auto accidents. Especially in the case of serious car accidents, people may suffer short or long-term psychological injuries including emotional distress and even a type of post traumatic stress disorder.

When to contact a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have been involved in an auto accident and believe you have suffered personal injuries, immediately contact the McGehee and Cole Law Firm. Your no-charge consultation includes a thorough evaluation of all evidence available and determine the best steps to take for your best interests.

Most importantly, you will not be harassed by insurance adjusters trying to get you to admit fault and sign a quick release. The McGehee andCole Law Firm gives you the assurance that your needs, and not those of the insurance company, will be met.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about my personal injury practice in Knoxville, Tennessee. Remember, I am here for you to bring peace of mind and protect your best interest.
Deno Cole
Personal Injury Attorney in Knoxville

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Knoxville Personal Injury Attorney Deno Cole wants pedestrians to avoid personal injuries

Knoxville Personal Injury Attorney Deno Cole looks out for your safety.
With school about to start, Knoxville Personal Injury Attorney Deno Cole knows that means an increase in pedestrian activity in the community. This also means an increase in the risk of pedestrian injuries due to motorists’ inattention to foot traffic in the area, pedestrians failing to use caution, or both.

Pedestrian Safety

The U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration notes pedestrian fatalities comprise approximately 12 percent of all traffic fatalities in the country every year.  In addition, another 59,000 pedestrians are injured in roadway accidents.  In Tennessee, 46 pedestrians have been killed on state roadways in just the first few months of 2013.  That’s 11 more than in the same amount of time in 2012.

Who is most at risk?  

  1. Children - In 2010, nearly one in every five children between the ages of 5 and 9 who were killed in traffic crashes was a pedestrian. 
  2. Drivers and pedestrians who are alcohol-impaired - Alcohol-impairment—either for the driver or for the pedestrian—was reported in 47% of the traffic crashes that resulted in pedestrian death. 
  3. Older adults - Pedestrians ages 65 and older accounted for 19% of all pedestrian deaths and an estimated 11% of all pedestrians injured in 2010.

Who has the right of way?

In Tennessee, pedestrians have the right of way at all intersections and driveways. Pedestrians do, however, have to act responsibly, making sure to use pedestrian signals and sidewalks where available. When crossing at any point other than a marked crosswalk or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection, pedestrians must yield the right of way to all motor vehicles on the roadway.

Pedestrians should always use caution when walking in areas with high motor vehicle traffic. The Tennessee Department of Transportation recommends pedestrians
  • Look both ways before attempting to cross a highway
  • Keep a timely lookout for approaching motor vehicle traffic
  • Walk facing traffic on roadways where there is no sidewalk and walk as far from the roadway as possible 

Safe Routes to School

Keeping our kids safe as they head back to school is a community priority and a statewide initiative. Safe Routes to School, a federally-funded program, provides funds to state, local, regional, and nonprofit agencies to create programs with a focus on the benefits of children walking and biking to school.

Despite every effort to keep pedestrians safe, accidents do happen and people do suffer injuries as the result of a careless motorist or a malfunctioning traffic light or some other cause. If you or your loved one is injured while walking, don’t assume it was your fault or that you have no recourse.

Deno Cole and his skilled team of professionals at the McGehee and Cole Law Firm have the knowledge and expertise to assist you with your personal injury. Dedicated to achieving the best outcome for his clients, with Deno Cole on your side, you will come out on top.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about my personal injury practice in Knoxville, Tennessee. Remember, I am here for you to bring peace of mind and protect your best interest.
Deno Cole
Personal Injury Attorney in Knoxville